
Sep. 5, 2024

An ERC Starting Grant from European Research Council (ERC) has been awarded to support my project, NeuTrAE, investigating neutrino flavor transformations in dense astrophysical environments. See also the news in the GSI press release.

June 3, 2024

Fast neutrino flavor conversions in a supernova: Emergence, evolution, and effects is published in the Physical Review D.

May 9, 2024

Production of 𝑝-Nuclei from 𝑟-Process Seeds: The 𝜈⁢𝑟-Process is published in the Physical Review Letters as the Editor’s suggestion. See also the news in the Physics Synopsis and GSI press release.

Sep. 17, 2023

New preprint on arxiv: A Data-Driven Model for Abundances in Metal-poor Stars and Implications for Nucleosynthetic Sources.

July 1, 2023

End-to-end Kilonova Models of Neutron Star Mergers with Delayed Black Hole Formation is published in the Astrophysical Journal Letters.